In this first block of the MBA programme you will get a good insight in de trends in the global business environment and more specifically in the pharma part of the health sector. The importance of technology monitoring and analysis i.e. having a good technology watch will become obvious. The scanning of the business environment and the changing market conditions will then be translated in the new customer values and expectations you have to be aware of. We will make client value the crucial component of the business model and provide you with tools to monitor the elements that gauge the dynamics of value creation. | |
With these market assessment introductions we have the basis for a discussion of the strategies your organisation can choose from. This way we identify customer-centric sustainable improvement strategies. | |
To be able to underpin the choice of your sustainable strategy the relevant quantitative methodologies will be discussed. This way solid analysis, selection and evaluation tools are used. |
A substantial part of the answer to new customer needs and an important part of the solution for a better organisation of the internal processes centred around customer satisfaction, can now adays be found in digitalisation. This whole block will provide you with an overview of the different components of digitalisation and the role they might play in your organisation. | |
As this whole programme starts with the customer, we start by discussing the new marketing approaches digitalisation allows us to use. To go more in detail we will then look at how good web management can improve your interaction with the client to create more customer value. | |
To improve and increase the efficiency of your internal processes blockchain might play a crucial role. Big data and artificial intelligence to analyse those data offers totally new ways to develop medicines, but also to get better insight in your client needs a adjust your service offering accordingly. It will also allow you to make a profile of different “persona’s” ,who stand for client groups with specific needs. |
This block is organised around the topic of innovation. If the first block has identified new client needs and the second block gave you an overview of the different digital tools available to enhance customer value this block focusses on business value creation by innovation. | |
By definition this starts with creativity. How do we develop a creative culture and make the business organisation more creative and open to context? We will demonstrate and apply creative models, techniques and tools. Creativity has to be translated in new or adapted services which need a good brand management to optimise their effect. | |
To identify spots where innovation might improve the customer value creation, we need a good inside in the “customer journey” ; all the “touch points” between your customer and your organisation will be analysed and improvement areas identified. | |
We will provide you with the tools of design thinking, a proven approach to customer-oriented innovation. You will learn how to combine the power of design thinking with the efficiency of a lean start-up. | |
This whole block should lead to the formulation of a new not yet existing service a so called “blue ocean” project which will be the topic of your final MBA thesis work. |
This block is more internally oriented; how to optimise your business processes but always with the value creation for your customer in mind. The key principles of lean management and of processes and performance are central in this block. | |
Improving you supply chain management and getting a good inside in sales & procurement management will be the topics of three sessions which will comprise a lot of hand-on experience like negotiation exercises. | |
Of course attention will also be given to the financial side of the operations. Defining action plans and resources required, allocating resources to priority processes and monitoring the efficiency and sustainability of the deployed resources are obvious topics. One session will focus on how new activities could be financed in the best way; explaining advantages and disadvantages of self‐financing, bank financing, government subsidies, and private investors. |
This fifth block of your MBA programme starts with two sessions of action learning; a strategic and operational business simulation. In fact a lot of the strategic, marketing, operational and financial concepts which have been dealt with in earlier blocks will be tested in a generic competitive economic reality. You will compete with your fellow participants in four teams and create your own competitive business setting due to the strategic and operational decisions of the four teams. | |
After these two “hard” business leadership sessions the focus will shift to the, at least as important, “soft” side of leadership. Here issues like future needs (personnel and skills) in accordance with the strategy, managing diversity and talents, working with others, capitalizing on different group perspectives to meet goals in diverse, complex, and global business environments are at stake. How to inspire a shared purpose, sharing the vision, leading with care, engaging the team are all components of the leadership profile that will be discussed. | |
Being able to read what is happening in an organisation to maximize the value/cost creation in an organisation, while acquiring an integrative management approach is the final topic of this block. |
New activities are exciting and challenging and can create value but also entail risk. Analysing the value and the risk and managing it are therefore crucial. One session of this block will be dedicated to that topic. | |
If one thing is at the core of this MBA programme it is change. We identified strategic challenges for your company, you have to prepare the organisation for change and manage that change process. Understanding the thought processes and the nature of opposition and know the different stages involved in a process of change are a starting point. | |
A change process mostly also involves a gradual or total change of business culture. Developing a business culture that optimise your business performance is important for the sustainability of your company. But this is a long process, in fact it is the final result of a successful change process. To assure that the new strategy is viable we have to discuss the legal frameworks to ensure an appropriate system of governance which aligns with this strategic vision. Evaluate governance systems based on efficiencies, stakeholder relationships, and the chosen strategic vision of a business. | |
In this context “ethics” plays a crucial role as well. For instance the many digital opportunities identified in block 2 create ethical questions which have to be addressed, as do some of the operational and leadership issues discussed in block 4 and 5. | |
The concluding session of this block discusses the dilemma’s CEO encounter and how they deal with them. |
Actual topics and research will be presented and discussed.
Dean MBA pharmacy
Director MBA pharmacy